{"@context": {"@vocab": "https://schema.org/"}, "@type": "Dataset", "@id": "https://oih-sitemap.azurewebsites.net/dataset?name=PGSbiotadata_mammal_turtle_observations_raw_files", "name": "PGS biota data - mammal and turtle observations - raw files", "description": "PGS vessels have continuous observations for mammal and turtle sightings, from visual inspection and acoustic sensors. The data provides details for the sightings under numerous projects offshore Brazil. This dataset contains the original files in a variety of spreadsheet formats. For a processed and aggregated version of this data see the aggregated dataset as part of this same data collection.", "url": "https://app.hubocean.earth/catalog/dataset/1e3401d4-9630-40cd-a9cf-d875cb310449-pgs-biota-data---mammal-and-turtle-observations", "license": "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License", "creditText": "Mammal and turtle observation data, provided by PGS, licensed under CC-BY-NC 4.0", "version": "2024-04-15T11:26:21.505Z", "keywords": ["pgs", "observations", "visual", "brazil", "industry", "turtles", "acoustic", "mammals", "whales", "biota", "data sharing"], "identifier": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "1e3401d4-9630-40cd-a9cf-d875cb310449-pgs-biota-data---mammal-and-turtle-observations", "propertyID": "The identifier is an internal Ocean Data Platform standard for API access, where the identifier.name is the ODP qualified name and identifier.value is the ODP UUID.", "value": "f2b8af96-a577-4552-9289-34a1bff3b63c", "url": "https://app.hubocean.earth/catalog/dataset/1e3401d4-9630-40cd-a9cf-d875cb310449-pgs-biota-data---mammal-and-turtle-observations"}, "provider": [{"@type": "Organization", "legalName": "PGS ASA", "name": "PGS", "url": "https://www.pgs.com"}], "publisher": [{"@type": "Organization", "legalName": "STIFTELSEN HUB OCEAN", "name": "HUB Ocean", "url": "https://www.hubocean.earth", "email": "mailto:info@oceandata.earth"}], "includedInDataCatalog": {"@type": "DataCatalog", "url": "https://app.hubocean.earth/catalog/", "name": "Ocean Data Platform"}, "temporalCoverage": "2008/2024", "spatialCoverage": {"@type": "Place", "geo": {"@type": "GeoShape", "polygon": "-38.9 -2.1, -36.5 -4.7, -34.2 -5.2, -34.3 -8.7, -36.4 -11.9, -39.6 -21.5, -42.9 -23.8, -47.1 -28.1, -43.1 -30.2, -37.2 -23.8, -32.9 -10.9, -32.9 -4.4, -37.2 -2.4, -38.9 -2.1"}, "additionalProperty": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Spatial_reference_system", "value": "http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat_long"}}}