{"@context": {"@vocab": "https://schema.org/"}, "@type": "Dataset", "@id": "https://oih-sitemap.azurewebsites.net/dataset?name=AkerBioMarineEK60EK80EchosounderAKBMdata", "name": "Aker BioMarine EK60, EK80 Echosounder AKBM data", "description": "A collection of 10 years of acoustic data on Antartic Krill, gathered by Aker BioMarine's fishing missions to the Southern Ocean. The dataset is unprocessed raw acoustic echosounder data collected from AKBM fishing vessels and platforms during fishery operations or biomass survey transects in the licensed CCAMLR Area 48.", "url": "https://app.hubocean.earth/catalog/dataset/1e3401d4-9630-40cd-a9cf-d875cb310449-akbm-raw-ds", "license": "This work is licensed under a Open Data Commons (ODC-BY) 1.0 License", "creditText": "EK60, EK80 Echosounder AKBM data, provided by Aker BioMarine, licensed under ODC-BY 1.0", "version": "2024-04-28T08:32:07.291Z", "keywords": ["krill fishery management", "AKBM", "kongsberg echosounder", "aker biomarine", "echo sounder", "simrad echosounder", "Southern Ocean", "Antarctica", "echosounder", "passive acoustic", "simrad", "krill data", "EK60", "krill", "data sharing", "industry", "sonar", "EK80", "hydro acoustics", "echogram"], "identifier": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "1e3401d4-9630-40cd-a9cf-d875cb310449-akbm-raw-ds", "propertyID": "The identifier is an internal Ocean Data Platform standard for API access, where the identifier.name is the ODP qualified name and identifier.value is the ODP UUID.", "value": "a22c1e17-b00e-43f3-91f1-9aefedf58ec0", "url": "https://app.hubocean.earth/catalog/dataset/1e3401d4-9630-40cd-a9cf-d875cb310449-akbm-raw-ds"}, "provider": [{"@type": "Organization", "legalName": "Aker BioMarine ASA", "name": "Aker BioMarine", "url": "https://www.akerbiomarine.com"}], "publisher": [{"@type": "Organization", "legalName": "STIFTELSEN HUB OCEAN", "name": "HUB Ocean", "url": "https://www.hubocean.earth", "email": "mailto:info@oceandata.earth"}], "includedInDataCatalog": {"@type": "DataCatalog", "url": "https://app.hubocean.earth/catalog/", "name": "Ocean Data Platform"}, "temporalCoverage": "2011/2023", "spatialCoverage": {"@type": "Place", "geo": {"@type": "GeoShape", "polygon": "-61.4 -51.7, -68.7 -67.6, -27.7 -69.2, -33.1 -50.9, -61.4 -51.7"}, "additionalProperty": {"@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Spatial_reference_system", "value": "http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat_long"}}}